التخطي إلى المحتوى

أحمد بوخاطر ألبوم: صمتًا_ البوم صمتا_ احمد بو خاطر
أحمد بوخاطر ألبوم: صمتًا_ البوم صمتا_ احمد بو خاطر
أحمد بوخاطر ألبوم: صمتًا_ البوم صمتا_ احمد بو خاطر

اهلا ومرحبا بكم اعضاء وزوار منتديات حنين الحب الكرام اقدم لكم موضوعى بعنوان أحمد بوخاطر ألبوم: صمتًا_ البوم صمتا_ احمد بو خاطر

المنشد: أحمد بوخاطر
ألبوم: صمتًا
last breath
From those around I hear a Cry,
A muffled sob, a Hopeless sigh,
I hear their footsteps leaving slow,
And then I know my soul must Fly!
A chilly wind begin to blow,
within my soul, from Head to Toe,
And then, Last Breath escapes my lips,
It’s Time to leave. And I must Go!
So, it is True (But it’s too Late)
They said: Each soul has its Given Date,
When it must leave its body’s core,
And meet with its Eternal Fate.
Oh mark the words that I do say,
Who knows? Tomorrow could be your Day,
At last, it comes to Heaven or Hell
Decide which now, Do NOT delay !
Come on my brothers let’s pray
Decide which now, Do NOT delay !
Oh GOD! Oh GOD! I cannot see !
My eyes are Blind! Am I still Me ?!
Or has my soul been led astray,
And forced to pay a Priceless Fee ?!
Alas to Dust we all return,
Some shall rejoice, while others burn,
If only I knew that before
The line grew short, and came Turn!
And now, as beneath the sod
They lay me (with my record flawed),
They cry, not knowing I cry worse,
For, they go home, I face my God!
Oh mark the words that I do say,
Who knows? Tomorrow could be your Day,
At last, it comes to Heaven or Hell
Decide which now, Do NOT delay !
Come on my brothers let’s pray
Decide which now, do not delay …


  1. بارك الله تعالى فيك …… وثقل ميزانك بما تفعله من
    مجهود في الدعوة لدين الله تعالى
    تقبل مني مرورا متواضعا
    وأسأل الله تعالى أن يجازيك علي عملك هذا خير الجزاء..
    لك جل تقديري واحترامي

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